I am a great foodie.
Love to eat. Anything vegetarian I just want it.
I just finish my lunch and came across my favorite food or desert or chocolate, I am going to go for it. NOTHING can stop me.
Here I am to share a small story.
It is February of 2014.
I am throwing a small party to some close friends and an officer of our department.
I am busy collecting things for the different recipes.
The phone rings .IT is my helper, who rings up to inform that she is not coming today. .She is having some family problems.
ISN`T that a common practice that when we need them the most they are not available.
Well, I am pulling myself up and getting busy to prepare the lunch for my guests.
At the same time my blood pressure is rising .The thought alone of her absence is getting on my nerves,
Unable to concentrate, and worrying if I am not ready with the lunch in time then what a shame.
I am getting panicky . This is in my nature when I feel I am lost.
I am looking for a ladle. Can’t find it . I pick up a serving spoon.
The serving spoon slips out of my hands and falls down.
Without any thought I bend down to pick it up. A Painfull scream comes out of my mouth. This is because of my back pain. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
I am feeling helpless .My knees are very painful so can’t even bend them. I am trying again to pick the serving spoon but my big belly is not permitting me. IT’S having a circumference of 42 inches.
With the support of kitchen platform I sit on the floor to pick up the serving spoon. I lost control on myself and am sobbing. Just then it strikes me I have yet to finish the cooking.
Suddenly my blood pressure shoots up. Feeling giddy.
After a span of 5 minutes, I collect myself and with the support of kitchen platform I pull myself. STAND up .With a splash of water on my face I feel a bit controlled. There is a complete blackout .MY helplessness is making me more nervous. Covering my face with a hand towel I broke up into it, not knowing what is waiting for me.
After sometime I wash my face .Drink a glass of water to compose myself. Standing there in the kitchen I say to myself “Enough is Enough, Sunitaa now you have to find a solution to this .You can’t pull on like this.”
That was the MOMENT when I decided that what so ever comes on my way I am not going to have any excuses. I promised myself to lose those extra kgs of weight and inches.
To change one’s life or to take a decision we need only a moment.
My cooking was not complete .one of my friends is helping to give the final touch.
Don’t linger to take decisions. One moment is sufficient to take a decision especially when you are in real pain.
This was what changed my life.
This was the time when I decided to help others who are struggling with their weight. There are many who are also suffering from lifestyle disease s due to obesity.
IF your problems are due to obesity then why carry it for the rest of your life?
I am sunitaa Paul , a wellness coach. Am running a wellness center. Helping people to become healthy, fit and energetic .To improve their immunity too . I, after undergoing so much of pain and that experience, thought there must be many like me who are not able to take e decision fast. At the same time they decide when the matter seems to be slipping out of their hands.
Don’t wait for that long. Make yourself fit, healthy and with good immunity and higher energy levels.
After I lost 14 kgs of extra fats and 8 inches from my waist line ,I am feeling blessed . Now I AM leading a medicine free life, enjoying life and feel satisfied when I help people to lead a healthy and fit life.

Though I help everyone but I mainly feel that people who are 55+ should be more healthy. So that their children can do their jobs without any stress for their parents health.
55+ PEOPLE MAKE YOURSELF healthy and fit and be independent.
So let us see how and what can be done to lose fats and inches from your body which may have higher risk factor of lifestyle diseases.
For all these the first step is having a mindset,
Then setting up your goal.
Then find a coach for yourself….a wellness coach.
Follow your coach’s instructions word to word.
Make small lifestyle changes .
Be honest with yourself and share everything with your coach so that he can guide you towards your goal.
Have to be disciplined.
Join a community of weight watchers where you will have like minded people.
On following everything you will definitely achieve your goals.

A small piece of suggestion, for overweight persons of 50+ .
Focus on your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You can eat whatever is cooked but focus on portion control and calorific value. Focus on the macronutrient you take.
Eat according to your age and the requirement. A 60 years and above lady needs at least 1200 to 1600 calories per day.
It Will Be Better if You make your Meal Plan Weekly Or On Daily Basis But In Advance.
You Will enjoy it, and Relish the New Recipe by Experimenting but With In the Calorie Limits.
Try to avoid or limit the empty calories. BY empty calories we mean sugars and foods which have negligible calories.
The main weight or fats is around the waist at this age. Exercises for belly fats may not be possible and very challenging at this age. So the best part is do as much exercise as possible without overstraining yourself, LOW Calorie food ,and high fibber foods will be the best option.
AS usual I will say eat a rainbow. Variety is the factor on which you have to FOCUS. Variety in fruits, variety in vegetables , variety in whole grains and also variety in cereals and legumes.
Breakfast has to be considered as the main, nutritious and balanced meal of the day.
Eggs can be included as they have a variety of nutrients.
There are no shortcuts to weight loss. Losing weight is hard.but keeping it off is even more hard.
IT needs awareness, discipline and dedication with consistency to remain healthy and at your ideal weight.
Exercises are a must for 50+. This will help them in stiff joints, sore muscles, and metabolism [ as it slows down with age.].

50+ all of you, you too have a right to look fabulous and graceful, as you were in your late 30s or 40s.
Sometimes there may be a hitch or a hesitation or shyness but that’s not taking away the chance of being happy, healthy and enjoying life. There’s a solution for that too and that is join a community.
IN the community you will be positive and motivated all the time.
So the take aways ==
First step is having a proper mindset,
A coach for yourself….a wellness coach.
Make small lifestyle changes .
Have to be disciplined.
Join a community where people come together to lose weight.
Young people see that older people in your family are healthy .This will add higher production in your job.No stress of their health.
Sunitaa Paul.
A wellness coach { weight loss for 50+}