Someone motivated us for fat loss. We agreed to it .
But one thing is clear =, still you will be having questions lingering somewhere at the back of your mind.

IN my wellness hub once I had a clint who wanted to lose weight.
HE had actually tried so many methods that he could not get convinced or could not easily believe anyone.

He wanted to start his weight loss processes ,but those small “ifs “ and “buts” were hovering in his mind.I said you can go ahead with your questions.He then started his questions.

Q ] IF I eat less and do more exercise then I can definitely lose weight ,may be in 6 months or 8 months?
Every one has this wrong understanding that by eating less we can lose weight without weakness.. Eat less and work out more doesn`t help.
IF it was that easy then no one would have been overweight or obese or suffering from lifestyle problems. May be initially we can lose 2 or 3 kgs. But after some time your body will adapt the system and no responce will be given by the body. After a few months we will find ourselves still miles away from our weight loss goal.
So in my opinion it doesn`t work.

Q ] What is your way of losing weight?
Our way of losing weight is in a healthy way. We don’t strain our body under heavy exercise or eating less. When we eat less then our body will use its technique to survive. Our body is very unique and intelligent. The moment it comes to know that we are eating less then the metabolism will slow down and the reserved fats will be used miserly.
The weight loss occurs when our metabolism is proper or fast. IF we consume a little less calories and burn more than consumed then the weight loss occurs. IF we drink anything which has more calories then these calorie are also added to the total calories taken from food.

Q ] How will I understand that I am losing fats?
You will start feeling lighter.
You will not be hungry often.
Your body measurements start changing.
There is an improvement in Chronic pains too.
AND of course you will be self weighing every day . THE scale will show you the difference.

Q ] What should be the reasonable amount of weight or fat loss in a month? I hear and read” lose 10 kgs in 10 days “What does that mean?
Losing weight at greater speed is not so good. Per month a healthy weight loss is considered to be 4 to 5 kgs.
Q ] IS this weight loss constant?
IT`S const ant only, if we are constant.
Q ] Constant in what?
Constant in all the activities you do, like having your meals and breakfast regularly. LIKE doing your exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes. How much water you drink is equally important. Do you know our body contains 70% water? IF we are weighing 100 kgs. Then in total 70% of it is water.

Q ] That means I have to be on diet?
NO our way of weight loss or fat loss is in a healthy way. NO dieting rather we will help to set your diet according to your body`s requirement. YOU may feel sometimes that we are making you eat more. YOU know we say eat more and lose weight. Surprised is it?

Q ] How do I know what to eat and how much?
That`s what we will help you in learning and teach what to eat , how to eat, and when to eat.
Q ] FEW days back I read in Hindustan times about fiber. THERE Was so much written about it.
YES you are right. These fibers are also known as roughage and dietary fibers.They help us in our digestion. Does anyone in your family have constipation? Well these help to ease it out.
Along with other nutrients in the food your meals should also have fibers in them.

Q ] MAM I want to share a few things? Can I?
Yes do share whatever you want to share.

Q ] I have fallen into the habit of smoking and other thing is I love fast food and I am a foodie too.
NO tension. Are you really interested in getting fit and healthy?

Q ] Yes , I do want to get fit and healthy.
Well then what you have to do is focus only on weight loss and the guidelines given to you. IF you are ready with a mindset then nothing can hold you back. YOU have to focus only on one point and the rest will be taken care of automatically.
IF you are ready then get register into our Hub where you will be guided . IN this community you will be taken care of ,taught and above all you will be totally positive with a positive attitude.

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