There was a time when obese people used a phrase “I am rich and am well nourished. Anything wrong in it?”
Now the time has reversed. Obese people are now looking ways and willingly trying to do anything to lose weight.
The obese public is simply struggling and trying to find ways to lose weight. They are trying products one after the other. Trying one meal after the other. All this for a right solution.
By the time they reach any solution they have gained much more weight.
Why all these?
People prefer inexpensive ways and meal plans to proceed for weight loss.
They go for any processes but without proper education and knowledge.
Go for a wellness coach and opt for small changes in lifestyle as directed by the coach. These lifestyle changes are going to be very personalized and result oriented.
He is the one who explains You that Nutrition Matter
Have you ever given a thought on why they get overweight or reach the state of obesity?
TO reach the state of obesity is not hard. IT`S not at all tough.
If one has maintained oneself for so long, then why relaxation after 55 or 60 years of age?
IF by any chance we are overweight after 60 ,we should reduce our weight. It’s not only for you it’s for the family too.
If seniors are healthy then the family is tension free.
If the seniors are healthy ,they can be independent instead of dependent.
If the seniors are doing workout ,they will not have stiff joints.
I initially wanted to write on “ How important is weight loss for 60 + people [senior citizens], then it struck me why not include others also.

WHY do we tend to get overweight?
Let us talk today about the majority part of our health.
IT is nothing but nutrition. For our 100% health 80% is nutrition and 20% is workout.This 80/20/rule should be followed for weight loss by 60+ people also.
What is nutrition?
Does it matter?
How much does it matter?
Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food. IT is also related to how the body uses it.IN other words we can put it as “Nutrition is the relationship between the diet, health and disease.”
The Nutritionists make their meal plans on the basis of the knowledge from microbiology and biochemistry through which they understand how different nutrients react with the body.
When a person has reached 60, they have to keep a track on nutrients. Till now life`s experience has taught enough regarding the food ,though they might not be knowing about nutrition in detail.
Nutrients are of two types. Macronutrient and Micronutrient.
Macronutrients are those which are required in larger amounts.
Micronutrients are the ones which are required in small quantities by the body.
Macronutrients are like carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. They are called macronutrients because they are needed in larger amounts by the body.
We are living and existing in this world due to these macronutrients.
Let us discus each one in short.
Carbohydrates=There are many types of carbohydrates. As by the name itself we come to know that they are made of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules.
There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex carbohydrates.
IN a simple way simple carbohydrates are easily broken down but complex carbohydrates are not easily broken down. When we eat carbohydrates in our meals it gives the feeling of fullness.
Carbohydrates , though they give us energy ,but anything in excess is bad ,so also carbohydrates in excess is bad.
Here I Want To take your time Explaining Everything . My Suggestion Sit With Your Coach and Know everything In Detail. he Will Explain You How Nutrition Matters.
Starch, Sugar and Fibers are the forms of carbohydrates.

FIBERS = they are also of two types.
Soluble and insoluble fibers.
FIBERS help in digestion. Gives relief in constipation.
They do not have any such nutritional value but is or more important than nutrition.
Soluble fibers are soluble in water and becomes a gel like substance. IT is digested by the bacteria’s.
Insoluble fibers are insoluble as such remains as it is.
AT the end , these are essential for a healthy diet. Fibers are also called as Roughage.
Though it`s called as Roughage it has many health benefits.
They are complex molecules and play an important role in our body.
PROTEINS taken are in the form of Amino acids and are naturally found.
There are 20 kinds of Amino acids needed by our body and are essential .We get them from food.
Some of the amino acids are made in our body also. The ones which are not made by our body has to be taken from our food.

In order to get enough of it the vegetarians have to eat a variety of food.
NUTS are rich in proteins but still they are not complete.
To get all the essential Amino acids we can have different foods having incomplete amino acids in our diet ,so that our meal has all the amino acids.
In order to meet the body’s requirement of all amino acids, vegetarians have to eat lots of food. Here steps in.. is calories. Eating lots of food doesn’t mean eat anything. They have to be selected with low calories. DO not go for lots- with lots of calories.
There has to be a variety and not the food with incomplete proteins in excess.
Proteins are very important for the growth, development , building muscles , hormones, hair and nails too.
It is also important in body`s fluid balance, Immune system, vision, response, and enzymes which have different functions.
How to take the proteins is an important question.
For this we have to consult our wellness coach. After counselling the coach can suggest your personal requirement of How, when and how much proteins to take .
A growing child needs more of proteins. An adult male requires at least 56 gms. of protein where as an adult female of same age require nearly 10 gms less that is nearly 46 gms.of proteins.
Protein requirement changes as a person ages.1GM of protein has 4 calories. This indicates very clearly that do consult your wellness coach that how much proteins they should take personally according to their age.
When a person of 60+ wants to lose weight , they should get their personalised meal plan chalked out according to their body’s requirement.

1 gram of fats have =9 calories.
Too much of fats can easily lead to obesity if our metabolism is slow or we have a sedentary job.
This doesn’t mean, we can deny the importance of fats in our body.
It helps in lubricating the joints.
Helps to produce certain hormones.
Helps in absorbing certain fat soluble vitamins.
IT also helps in processing brain health.
As already said too much fats can lead to obesity, it’s also stands true for cholesterol.
The fats are also of two types.
Saturated and unsaturated.
Saturated fats are like GHEE, and this is an animal product.
Unsaturated fats are like oils. Oils come from seeds ,which is a plant product.
FATS are the source of energy. AN extra serving of a spoon or two is usually given to growing children and persons who do more of physical work.
Have any one heard about TRANS FATS?
What is this Trans fats?
In common language Trans fats is called as hydrogenated vegetable oil.
In the processes of making Trans fats hydrogen gas is added to the vegetable oil to bring the oil into solid form.
Tran’s fats are not considered to be good, WHY?
Tran’s fats increase the levels of ldl cholesterol and lowers the level of hdl cholesterol.
This increases the risk of many diseases which are usually termed as lifestyle diseases.
MAJORITY of bakery items, fried foods, and packaged foods use Trans fats.
AS stated 1gm.=9 calories, so we can well imagine how much should be consumed and how to consume ,just to stay healthy.
So People of 50+ and others too Nutrition is essential and it does matter. Repeating it again and again just to remind you all that nutrition is essential.

All the living organisms, plants, animals and humans all use water.
NOT simply, its because all the activities in a living organism takes place with the help of water.
Water helps to carry on all the bodily activities and regulating the temperature of the body.
We need water as there is a regular loss of water from our body in the form of sweating, breathing, digestion, urination and passing stool. This lost water from the body has to be rehydrated through drinking fluids, and eating fruits with more water contents.
Water protects our tissues, cells, spinal cord ,brain and joints.
Water has no calories, it costs nothing unless you buy a bottle of water, then why so miser in drinking water.
Not only the people of 60+ or 50+, but every one has to take care of their body .
This is possible by the help of nutrition.
Today I have discussed one part of nutrition…Macro nutrition.
The next part of nutrition =micronutrients will be dealt next, following it .
Due to the deficiency of nutrients we will suffer from deficiency diseases and life style diseases.
It is very important to have a diet which is balanced, rich in nutrients and fiber, so that we can be sure of no deficiency and imbalance of hormones . A particular nutrient works specifically in our body.
At the end nutrition is essential and it does matter.
It is said “Acceptance is the one recurring theme because it is essential. What you resist will persist. Always evaluate and improve yourself.”
Sunitaa paul
Wellness coach for 50+