What is a diet?
It’s the kind of food that a person or animal or a community eats is called as a diet.
When a person restricts himself to a certain kind of food items then he is said to be on a special diet.
When a person is having a special nutritional intake for health or weight management purpose then those foods are in the category of a diet.
When we use these foods then we have to keep a focus on what we give to our body. We should give a balanced diet .the balanced diet should contain all the nutrients required by our body for its proper function.
The first thing to be managed is calories. These calories should come from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and proteins.
A healthy diet is all we need. now what is this healthy diet ?
For a healthy diet remember the following==
Always eat a variety of foods.
Never ever miss your breakfast.
Choice of food should be such that it should be high in nutrition and fiber.
Never ever miss your breakfast.

Many a times when we are getting late to office we miss our breakfast and when we feel hungry we try to order something which is less healthy and high in everything that we should avoid. One day or two days is ok but when it becomes our habit we don’t even realize when we grow out of our clothes and become overweight then obese.
Eating a breakfast has many benefits, the day you come to know its benefits you will rather get up 30 minutes earlier and have your breakfast before going to office.
When we eat breakfast our metabolism gets a jump start for the day. If we don’t eat then our metabolism slows down thinking the body is in fast mode.
Breakfast should be rich in proteins and also fiber .,which will give us the feeling of fullness and not turn towards fast foods.
Choice of food should be such that it should be high in nutrition and fiber.
When choosing food, focus on its nutritional value and fiber contents.
Our body need foods with higher values of vitamins, minerals which are classified under micronutrients. These foods can protect you against lifestyle diseases, and maintaining healthy weight.
When we decide for nutrient rich food we have to also focus on the calorie part of the food on daily basis.
Some prefer to use supplements , but fresh ingredients have their own value. The supplements can have chemicals too.
Why not have every thing fresh so that we can get the maximum results from them.
Eat mindfully.
What is mindful eating?
When we eat with full concentration and knowing what we are eating is also mindful eating. IT has nothing to do with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals or fats. After taking care of all that and cooked in a healthy way what remains is eating. This eating should be done mindfully. This will help you in developing many skills like—the taste, the flavors, the texture of the food,.
When the aroma of certain dish floats in the air and reaches your nose your nose and brain together starts sending signals and you rush to the dining table to eat it. Now you have to have patience and eat slowly enjoying each bite.
This is mindful eating.
You can enjoy your low calorie food if cooked artistically.
Always try to listen to the signals of your body.
If the food is of your choice eat slowly.
Start dietary practice early in life.
Always eat a variety of foods.
It’s a common complaint that we are short of time. ITS not like that .you have to have time management,. AS you manage time in your office do the same at home.
Its well said eat a variety of foods, but sometimes it is misunderstood and people eat the different variety with all having high caloric value.
Try to manage your calories in these variety of food .
In this variety you can include raw vegetables and fresh fruits and that to colorful. ITS said it is good if you have at least 4 to 5 colors in your plate.
The diet should also be balanced with proteins carbohydrates, healthy fats minerals and vitamins. This will be a healthy diet with a variety.
Always try to listen to the signals of your body.
Our body is a super machine it knows how to balance and repair itself .Also it knows how to protect itself but the tools have to be provided,. Our body signals us when to start eating, when to stop eating when to sleep and in the same way it also sends us a warning signals before we fall sick.
We eat in many ways like eating when in stress eating when emotional eating when really hungry. So eating should be done only when hungry not at any time according to mood .This is going to increase your weight and once you start all these kinds of eating it becomes our habit .and habits die hard,.
If the food is of your choice eat slowly.
Never rush your food down your throat . Eat slowly . Enjoy each bite of yours Food .IF you slow down your speed of eating you can even enjoy your food .sometimes we eat quite fast the food which is very tasty or up to your taste or liking. Such gulping of food sometimes is not entirely registered by the brain. Your brain needs 20 to 30 minutes of time for food registration. As already said listen to your body signals, the body will send signals that you are full and now you have to stop, but when you are eating hurriedly , then by the time the body receives the signal of fullness we eat quite an extra amount. So it’s better if we eat slowly by enjoying each bite.
The day you start eating slowly you will love the food you eat. you will deeply fall in love with the food, you will start learning about the different flavors in food. You will above all enjoy the texture of food which you might not know or simply ignored.
Start dietary practices early in life .
Energy intake should be in balance with energy expenditure .
Your body fat should not exceed 30% .
Sugar intake should be limited =====it should be less than 10% .
By the way less than 5% provides additional health benefits .
Salt intake ====less than 5 gms. Per day ====prevents hypertension .
Always include vegetables in meals .
Reduce trans fats to less than 1% .of total energy .
Limit the consumption of baked and fried food .
A healthy diet is all we need. Now what is this healthy diet ?
KEEP these keys in mind
Healthy diet promotes success in life.
It gives better concentration.
Helps in better alertness.
Helps in better physical health.
Help In better emotional and mental health. Helps you to remain healthy and fit.
Good eating habits can keep you away from being over weight.
For parents if you wish to be free of any kind of illness then focus on the keys towards healthy diet and life,.
Thank you.
From: Wellness Nutrition Hub