OH there`s nothing.
Eat less exercise more and then watch the fats melting away.
A very simple concept in the minds of people.
Everyone wants weight loss as a fast food.
Losing fat fast doesn’t mean it will be permanent.
For long term weight loss the usual meal plans don’t seem to be working.
So you are ready to find out the secretes of successful weight loss ?
First :- why does one gain weight over the time?
They gain weight because they start consuming more calories than the body’s requirement.
FOR A HEALTHY BODY YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE THE 80/20= RULE. Where 20 is exercise and 80 is nutrition.

What you have to do is :-
Exercise , healthy eating , self monitoring and consistency. These are the important steps you have to work on to achieve your weight loss goal.
Exercise =It makes 20 % of our 100% health.
No overhauling , only 30 to 40 minutes are sufficient.
Have regular basic exercise which will include cardio , strength training and flexibility exercise.
These will burn calories , build muscles and keep the connective tissues flexible.
By the way sometimes when I don’t do exercise I go for a walk instead of doing nothing.
Healthy eating==IT makes up for the 80% of the 80/20/ rule.80 % being nutrition we will talk about it.
For this we have to make certain changes.Don`t try to make all the changes abruptly.
Too many changes at a time will confuse you and you will lose your motivation to lose weight.
Starting with one or two changes keep consistency in it.
Consistency will slowly make that change your habit.
These changes are to brought about in our eating habits and lifestyle. Eat healthy and exercise daily.

Healthy eating includes food of low calories , low fats , high fiber and high proteins.
Never ever miss the breakfast. Eating breakfast tends to lower BMI which is body mass index. Roughly it tells us about the level of our obesity.
For a better designed diet or meal plan consult your health coach.
He is the one to guide you with portion size , calorie counting and fruits and vegetables with high fiber.
Sleep is equally important. It freshens you up. If you don’t have proper sleep you will be lazy the whole day with unwillingness for every thing.
Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself.
Self monitoring= Different levels require different levels of calories. There is no end to healthy habits.
Keep food journals and exercise journals. Going through it you will come to know where you made a mistake .
Keep in touch with your coach every day for corrections and what to follow is bound to give you results.
When you start getting small results then you find gaining self confidence .
Here is your first surprise that you are noticing something that you never thought you had it –and it is our self confidence.
You start believing in yourself. NOW nothing can stop you to achieve your goals and dreams.
I can say that because it happened with me ,when I was on my weight loss journey.

Consistency = Eat healthy meals , no cheat meals , and disciplined life gives you the fantastic results.
The more constant the diet , the more likely the members learn to maintain weight after weight loss year after year.
IN the end weight loss is a slow or average processes but a steady one.
I achieved my weight loss goals when I PUT MYSELF UNDER DISCIPLINED LIFE.
I changed my lifestyle.
From overweight I became healthy with a healthy weight.
From laziness to active life.
From tired to ready for every thing.
From negativity to positivity.
From always grumbling to a happy life.
From no confidence to full of self confidence.
I started loving my new life .
You learn how to control the emotions and stress.
IT`S a process that requires vigilance, commitment, and disciplined life every day.
Get away from the comforting bad habits , and replace them with better ones.
We are living beings.We still can sometimes have cravings.
For that you can have a cheat day and get the guidance of your wellness coach regarding how to manage it.
Slowly you will fall into the track and carry yourself with full
Positivity and maintenance.
I own my gratitude to the person who stretched his hand to help me.
Now it`s my turn. I am stretching my helping hand to you, in case you need help don’t hesitate.

Disclaimer == results are not typical. IT varies from person to person.
Do share this video and let every one understand that if you go for a healthy weight loss you are going to sustain it for longer periods year after year.