Yes , we can gain weight by nutrition.
AS you can lose weight by nutrition , you can also gain weight through nutrition.
Being lean can also be considered Healthy if BMI IS NORMAL.ON the other hand if underweight it is a point to be noted.IT is a sign of poor nutrition.
You can gain weight in a healthy way even by eating the foods you enjoy.
When you have to gain weight, then it means you are under weight.
Being under weight means the body mass index is below 18.0.
The body mass index should be between 18 to 23 for sustaining optimal health.
You , yourself can find your body mass index to know your body`s condition.
The secrete behind gaining weight is eating calories more than your body needs. To build your muscles you need to lift your weight so that additional calories can be used up.
Healthy weight gain has to go through some steps.
Just as being overweight gives rise to lifestyle diseases in the same way too, less weight or being underweight can cause a range of health problems.
IT`S not easy for a person to consume 5000 calories at each meal to gain weight quickly.
Just as we proceed for a weight loss journey so also we have to start our journey on weight gain in a disciplined manner.
FOR a healthy weight gain, we have to choose nutrient rich food as often as possible . These foods chosen must have nutrient power of all the food groups.
AN Olympic athlete champion consumes nearly 12000 calories per day. The diet is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates are like fuel to their body just as petrol is the fuel to our car.
As we use certain products for weight loss in the same way there are certain products we use in the form of nutrition for weight gain.
WE face certain health issues when we are under weight .
Some of them are ===
Low immune system
Delayed development
And so on
Nuts also play a role in weight gain. They boost muscle gain and weight gain
Vitamins & minerals also help in strong muscles.
Some do ask ===can a skinny person also gain weight?
Why not? They can also gain weight.
SO you have to gain weight in a healthy way.
IT`S absolutely very essential to eat healthy foods and live a healthy lifestyle.
You have to eat more calories than required.
Increase your protein intake.
Eat at least 3 meals a day with lavish amount of proteins.
To improve your strength and muscle mass , do exercise.
Use weight gainer diets.
To your smoothies add extra proteins.
SO keep yourself on your ideal weight.
Not having ideal weight can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Sugary ice creams, & salty chips can add weight as they are high in calories, but it can make you sluggish or bloated so be careful when you consume them.
An underweight person is equally unhealthy as an obese person.
IT is important to eat healthy foods as you eat when on weight loss.
The main motto is to be healthy with healthy, nutritive, balanced food in both the conditions ==underweight or overweight.