Are you leading a healthy life style?
- without wasting a second the answer will come to you as you have released a spring “Yes I am.”
- Are you eating healthy?
- Most of us think that our eating habits and our choices of food and our activities which we do are the BEST.
- Very few of the persons actually meet the criteria for a healthy lifestyle.
- SEE , do you fit in yourself in the following keys
- Do you smoke?
- Do you drink alcohol?
- Are you able to maintain healthy weight?
- Are you losing weight successfully to reach your goal of healthy weight if on weight loss?
Do you have at least 3 servings of fruits?
Do you exercise at least 30 minutes daily and 5 times a week?
- These points are not something out of the world .These are the habits often discussed about.
- Consider yourself lucky if you are not addicted to nicotine.
- Enjoy all the regular activities like food, exercise meals coping with ups and downs in the family ALONG WITH THE FAMILY.
- IT will drive you crazy , smile , laugh, and have positive attitude

- NO alcohol
- NO high calorie food
- Exercise or Yoga and meditation for body mind and soul
- Diet low calorie, high fiber, high protein lots of water
- DO not ever skip your breakfast
- Attitude towards healthy eating.
There is a great need at present to focus on health related behaviour, health education and attitude towards health.
This will help you to lead a healthy, fit and satisfied life.
DON`T be hungry, as hungry people are not happy.
Eat the food that gives you the satisfaction and a feeling of fullness.
Healthy lifestyle behaviour reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
Poor eating habits, insufficient physical activities being common in nurses add up to weight gain.
They are all the time on their feet but the whole body exercise is missing.
Stress or psychological disorders should be taken care of or else it results in weight gain.
To conclude healthy living is one of the most important issues in modern times.
School should also promote healthy lifestyle. A student – teacher and parent session should be conducted.
This should be for the students who are somewhere not able to concentrate or are not properly fed or are irritated all the time or are always sulking in the corner.
Should not be taken otherwise but keeping the student in mind.
Discuss the benefits of healthy lifestyle and create a supportive environment.
What are the healthing eating habits?
TO explain I will put it in this way…

Eat a variety of vegetables with different colors in each meal.
Eat a variety of fruits of different colors, anything from green to red to yellow and violet.
Keep in mind your serving size. Different kinds of food have to be taken in different portions in your serving and diet.
Have your breakfast every day.
Have regular exercise periods every day.
Workouts when done together can be a real fun.
You can even make this into physical activity with the family as cleaning the house or gardening or playing with the dog and so on.
For the family health encourage the children to join in all the activities in home, from workouts to eating behaviour to shopping of fruits and vegetables.
This can be training to the children on how to choose smartly the food we eat and which can be refrigerated for next day.
Develop a habit of eating fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds and grains.

Avoid processed foods
Avoid fast foods. You can have it once in 10 days .Its better if you keep it only for parties but with portions keeping in mind.
We all know that for our health we have to eat healthy as already said, but what , how ,when and how much to eat should be in focus always.
When Ever You go Shopping for Fruits and Vegetables take your Children Along With You.
This Will Be Training for him or her how to buy healthy and fresh from the Market.
This is Also a Way to know Your Kid Choice and How you Can Mould him towards Making a Healthy Choice
The diet of a child of 10 years can never be the same as of a 55 year old person.
Our food should be rich in nutrition which can boost family`s health, strength and immunity.
I personally feel that one should have sustainable eating habit and meal plan.

The family’s health and your own health should be a priority.
This reminds me you too have to be healthy to keep your family healthy.
Children always imitate their parents. If you are really concern for your family’s health then you be on your ideal weight following a healthy lifestyle.
Its only then you can explain and teach them the importance of HEALTH.
Every Second And Fourth Wednesday of the month. English Blog will be Posted . First and Third Wednesday Hindi Blog Will Be Posted.
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