Our body is the most surprising and efficient machine with well built self maintaining mechanism.
Antioxidants are compounds which are produced in our body to maintain our body. They are also present in foods.
They protect our cells from damage caused by harmful free Radicals.
What are free radicals ?
They are the unstable molecules naturally found when we exercise, and when your body converts food into energy.
Free radical sources are = environment , smoking both active and passive , air pollution , sunlight.
Free radicals also are entering our body from other sources. .Free radical is an oxygen containing molecule which are highly reactive with other molecule.
Free radicals can cause oxidative stress which results in cell damage and age related muscular degeneration.
BEING very active they combine with antioxidants but in case it is not possible they combine together and cause a state known as OXIDATIVE STRESS . This oxidative stress is caused by the imbalance between oxidants and free radicals . When THESE oxidative stress becomes chronic then They give rise to chronic diseases.
IT`S harmful effects when chemically interact are =
Cell damage and damage to tissues.
Damage DNA
Interact with protein
Cancer ==
Cardiovascular disease
Neurologic disease
Pulmonary disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
The molecules are destabilized.
BUT when antioxidants react with free radical then they stabilize free radical without being destabilized.
Some PLANT BASED FOODS ARE THE BEST source with high antioxidants==
STRAWBERRY , RASPBERRY , BEETS , SPINACH , BEANS , SEEDS , WHOLE GRAINS , NUTS , HERBS , SPICESES , The Phyto nutrients have Anthocyanin and Beta carotenes which are rich in Antioxidants.
Strawberry contains Anthocyanin== risk of heart disease reduced
Diets high in vegetables and fruits which are good source of antioxidants have been found to be healthy.
Examples of antioxidants are vit,c , vit. E , selenium , and carotenoids. PEOPLE WHO EAT THIS HAVE LOWER RISK OF SEVERAL DISEASES.
High doses of antioxidant supplements are harmful .like==
Vit E = Hemorrhage, stroke.
IN People , taking higher doses of blood thinner ==cause bleeding .
Smoking + high beta carotene == risk of cancer.
Under some circumstances free radicals may be actually beneficial rather than harmful and removing them may be undesirable.
Science says===
Free radicals + antioxidants === stabilize them so no damage occurs.
Food antioxidants are best than supplements == because
In food we have 8 chemical forms of vitamin E , but vitamin E in supplements have only one type =…..
Now === you have a bonus===
Fruits , vegetables , and whole grains are high in antioxidants.
Also typically high in fibre, low in saturated fats and cholesterol , good source of vitamins and minerals.
So enjoy the variety.
Here a small choice to make to prevent oxidative stress==
Regular moderate exercise
Don’t smoke or face passive smoking
Environmental conscious
Wear sunscreen
Plenty of sleep to maintain balance in your body
Avoid overeating
Free radical and antioxidants are a part of our body`s natural and healthy function. When this balance is disturbed oxidative stress occurs
Exposure to free radicals can`t be avoided then you make lifestyle choices regarding diet, exercises, environment , = and prevent damage and diseases.
My results with antioxidant —–
Good energy level , good circulation in finger tips , freshness and alertness.
Good Energy level— Gurana seeds are antioxidants .ITS extract is used.
Helpful for weight loss
Detoxifying the body
Stimulates blood circulation
Helpful in acidity
Helps in burning fats
Mental alertness
Packed with antioxidants , Gurana seed extract is one of the natural antioxidant
Keeping us healthy and active all day by preventing damage by free radicals.
Keeps you alert and fresh.
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