How do you gain weight?
A very common sentence “ Till 5 years ago I was in shape .A beautiful shape with body inches that was a wonder. I don’t know how did I gain so much weight?”
I don’t even eat much but still I am on the side of weight gain.
Nothing new .Everyone says the same, except for 5 years it can be 3 or 8 or 10 or say 15years.
This is nothing but the sum of our own daily habits and lifestyle.
The best part is that no one admits it.
When we eat calories we have to burn them. When we are not able to burn them or in a different way use them, then it gets deposited or accumulated in our body AND THROUGH out the body. If you can`t burn those calories then eat less calories.
Go for any one……
These are the small changes you have to make.
Let us discuss the 6 points those are going to help us.
For many of us when we cross 60 or for some 55 the trouble starts.
SO, 55+ citizens take care of yourself.
One by one we will take the topics and discuss.
Senior citizens, You may not feel like coming out of your comfort zone, but for the sake of your children you have to be fit yourself. I mean then they can carry out their duties efficiently, without any stress of your illness. SO 55+ citizens be active.
There’s a better way to help you to lose weight and keep it off.
It also helps you in achieving a lifelong weight loss success.
Set realistic goals with your coach.

FIRST thing is to make a decision and then make it happen.
Find a coach for yourself. HAVE a counselling session with your wellness coach. Be honest to your coach.
Now set two goals with your coach.
1-] Short realistic goals. IT can be a weekly goal.
2-] Then a monthly goal.
These two goals will be replaced by new goals after you have achieved the first ones.
3-] This will be your final goal that how much weight or fats you have to lose in all, to become a healthy, happy and a fit person.
During the counselling you can ask questions where ever you don’t get satisfied.
These steps will help you to lose weight and keep it off.
You will read, hear and listen to, so much of weight loss that you will be confused.
My way of reducing weight is different. I suggest if you have doubt then go for other means for weight loss which ever you prefer .IF by any chance you are not satisfied with the results then you can come to our community.
As already said first find a coach for yourself.
There is no such food that will help you lose weight and keep it off.
There is no such plan that will help you lose weight and keep it off.
As already said weight gain happens due to the sum of our own daily habits and lifestyle
We have to do the same consistently with our changed habits and lifestyle. So the sum of our own daily habits and lifestyle will keep our weight off.
Every plan or action or thought varies from person to person.
What works for me may not work for you.
What didn’t work for me may work the best for you.
You may not get the same result as I got in 100 days.
You may have the same result say in 90 days or may be in 130 days.
You can even have much better success result than me. IT all differs from person to person. Your wellness coach can guide you better.
Start self monitoring.
So decision is taken. Mind is all set to lose weight and keep it off.
Selected a wellness coach too. Be motivated.
Follow his instruction by surrendering yourself to your coach.

JOIN a weight loss community.
First thing is you have to be prepared mentally, have patience, be committed, have consistency, and exercise daily for at least 30 to 50 minutes. Within a week by experimentation with different foods your food plan will be set up by your coach after understanding your body type.
Don’t compare yourself with others. This is important to understand because what worked for her may not work for you.
60 + ? You need to monitor yourself at every step. Like our body’s requirements , caloric value . All change as we gradually grow older.
There are some things those stand true for all weight losers or fat losers and that is avoid fried foods, fast foods ,junk foods, biting on and off the snacks made from refined flour, or yes missing out something.
IF you no longer want to carry the extra kilos of weight be honest with your coach, honest with yourself, and above all be disciplined.
Don’t over strain yourself to get the results or else you will be stressed and stress again adds up to your weight.
Maintain a food diary and a work out diary. Keep a track on what kind of food you are eating.
YOU need fewer calories and at the same time nutritious balanced food. After eating you should have the feeling of fullness also.
The calories present in cooked food have a different impact on our body while the calories in sugary foods have a different impact.
Develop liking to the healthy foods. Develop a taste to the healthier choices.
Stop eating emotionally —as usually practiced when we are stressed or in depression. YOU eat everything means everything.
TRY and settle for a sustainable diet which you can carry on for ever .
FIND A community and support.
Many a times it’s been noticed that the family is only making fun of the member who wishes to lose weight and become healthy. Directly or indirectly the family will be benefited.
CO-OPERATION by the family members is a must.
Either ask your friend or a family member to accompany you during work out.
Without a support nothing is possible.
Exercise plays an important role in the overall health.
The common formula for an overall health is 80/20 rule. HERE 80 %is nutrition and 20% is exercise.
IT will be better if we don’t do the same set of exercise every day.TRY different exercises every day. The main purpose of exercise is to make our muscles strong, and get rid of joint stiffness and stay active.
IF the batch of young people up to 45 years or 55 years and who are capable, go for other forms of exercise like swimming ,dancing, tennis and so on.
IN a few days you will come to know the exercises which you love. GO for it .When you enjoy doing some particular exercise you can put them on your daily routine.

The body is working whole day.
There `s a lot of wear and tear inside the body.
The repair work takes place inside our body when we are sleeping.
Some people need more sleep and some need less sleep, but a person should have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
IF you don’t have proper sleep you are going to have a weight gain.
IF you don’t have proper sleep the hormones also get disturbed.
How will you come to know that you have had good nights sleep?
When we get up in the morning and feel fresh, it means you have had a good sound sleep.
Never skip your breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day and the most important one.
Never skip your breakfast as your day depends on it.
Breakfast should be rich in proteins so that it can give you the feeling of fullness for a long time.
Older people are in a habit of skipping breakfast, so from now on do not skip the breakfast. This will prevent you from untimely snacking of less healthy snacks.
When you eat your breakfast eat it slowly enjoying each bite of it. This will help brain to register it.
This is equally an important step of the 6 ways to lose weight and keep it off.
Watching TV. or being on your mobile.
Too much of screen timings can cause obesity, neck pain, back problems and sleep problems.
Adults should limit their screen timings,
For Children, limit it to 2 to 3 hours per day.
Social media is yet another reason why people are glued to their screens.
IF we are mindful of our using the device or the technology, its ok but not wasting time, energy and vision on the technology.
USE it where it’s needed most, as during lockdown it was also used for shopping grocery .Don’t sit and watch TV. For hours.

IS it much?
IT`S only that you have to train yourself, have a mindset to lead
a healthy and disciplined life.
Believe me, I did go through all these to lose 14 kgs of weight and 8 inches
from my waist. These ways, really helped me to lose weight and keep it off.
Only simple changes here and there in food habits and lifestyle will keep
you fit and healthy with lots of HAPPY HORMONES.
Please Leave a Comment or Review.
Sunitaa Paul
Wellness health coach 50+

I am Sunitaa Paul, Wellness Coach for 50+.
I am Working on a Mission to make 100 People
Healthy Fit and Happy, Guiding Them to Lose
Extra Weight in a Healthy Way. Also Train Them
How To keep it off. When You are internally Healthy
You Remain Positive and Have Positive Attitude.
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