मैं पोषण के साथ अपना वजन कैसे कम कर सकता हूं?
क्या मैं पोषण के साथ वजन कम कर सकता हूँ?
क्या पोषण से आपका वजन कम होता है?
पोषण को वजन घटाने का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा माना जाता है।
ताकत के लिए, मांसपेशियों के लिए और सबसे बढ़कर शरीर के संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य के लिए पोषण की आवश्यकता होती है।
पोषण और भोजन हमें जीवित रखता है क्योंकि यह हमारे शरीर को प्रवाहित करता है।

किसी ने कहा, हां मेरा वजन अधिक है, तो क्या, मैं दो या तीन दिन या उससे अधिक समय तक भूखा रहकर वजन कम कर लूँगा
वजन घटाने के लिए हमें भूखे रहने की जरूरत नहीं है। भूखे रहने पर हमारे शरीर के कई कार्य प्रभावित होते है कुछ दिनों के उपवास के बाद, जब आप खाते हैं, तो आप क्या सोचते हैं…आपका पाचन तंत्र कैसी प्रतिक्रिया करने वाला है?
पाचन तंत्र को दुरुस्त रखने के लिए हमें खाना चाहिए।
वजन कम करने के लिए भूखे न रहें।
जैसा कि कुछ लोग इन्तेर्मिटनट फास्टिंग करते हैं, यह ठीक है, क्योंकि वे अपने सिस्टम को ठीक रखने के लिए कुछ खा रहे हैं।
अपने पसंदीदा खाद्य पदार्थ खाने से भी वजन आसानी से कम किया जा सकता है।

Yes planning is an important part of weight loss.
When we are on weight loss we have to plan many things so that each activity is done with discipline.
We have to go for our duty or work of which the time cannot be changed.
Now, we have to set the schedule and it has to be keeping the working hours in mind.
Our planning starts with meal plan.
When we plan a meal we have to focus on the proteins, fiber, nutrition and fats and salt and spices. At the same time keeping in mind it should not be deficit in nutrition.
Our meal should be planned in such a way that we don’t feel hungry again and again.
Wellness coach..
In order to plan such a meal we need the guidance of a wellness coach. Who on counselling will help us to design our meal.
The wellness coach will guide and chalk out a plan for us after knowing our eating habits, our daily routine, our activities and the type of job we do.
The coach will try to set up a sustainable meal plan which can even help us to maintain our weight after we have achieved our goal of ideal weight.

To have a healthy weight loss we have to make certain small changes in our eating habits and the food we eat.
Now, we have seen how important the role of a wellness coach is.
The coach guides us in what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat and how to eat.
The weight loss differs from person to person as no two bodies are similar in any way. Their responses are different. Their working is different.
This is the reason why the speed of weight loss is different in different persons.
Never compare your weight loss with others
Selection of food…
When the subject of nutrition comes many things have to be considered and focused.
First of all which type of food keeps us full for longer hours.
Which of the foods have better nutrition?
What type of food is more essential for us?
When we do weight loss we have to keep in mind that there should be no mussel loss. This is an important factor to be kept in mind.

What to control…
We all know that our nutrition is divided into two parts….
1 Macronutrients.
2 Micronutrients.
Macronutrients is needed by our body in large quantities
Micronutrient is required in small quantities.
Macronutrients though needed in large quantity one thing has to be kept in mind.
While selecting and planning the points to be focused on are the age, sex, job and activities of the person undergoing the weight loss journey.
From carbohydrates, fats, proteins what has to be controlled and how much, while planning meals.
Which foods will keep us full for long time should be the first point of focus along with other nutrients,
FIBER is another part which keeps us full for longer.
IT gives us the feeling of fullness.
In this way the nutrition helps us in losing weight.
It helps in reducing the calories and appetite.
No doubt for energy we need calories but the extra calories are stored up as fats.
The weight loss is a processes nothing more than nutrition and calories.

When we burn the extra calories that is “ calories in== calories out”, in such cases we don’t gain weight.
On the other hand if we are not in a state of burning the extra calories then we gain weight.
These calories come from where?
These calories come from the food we eat. When these extra calories are not burnt or used up it gets stored up as fats.
In this game of calories and weight loss if we take a calorie deficit diet then initially we will lose weight but later on we will feel weak.
Nutrients along with whole foods when taken together work better and helps indigestion. It also helps in weight loss.
Suppose we wish to lose weight fast, then we go for a diet plan which may be of 500 calories or 800 calories, then what is going to happen?
We are living beings.
For us to survive our organs do the work.
For their work they too need calories.
Roughly it’s estimated that our body needs 1000 calories per day to maintain itself and for all its functions, including sleep and breathing.
Let`s gather, for our activities of all kind our body will use the fats it has stored ,but what about the body’s own activity?
This very clearly indicates that our body does need certain amount of calories and it has to be given to the body.
We shouldn’t get tensed over the calories to be taken and what to be taken.
Leave that headache for the coach to manage.
Let him decide, keeping everything in mind — what should our meal plan look like.

Burning extra calories…
As it is said for taking in 3 spoons of added sugar we have to walk one kilometre.
IN the same way for every 1000 extra calories, to burn it we have to walk on treadmill for one hour or go cycling for one hour.
I have a better option .WHY go cycling or walk on treadmill for an hour? The simplest way is reduce the calorie intake.
How is my suggestion??
Some steps to follow every day…
Write every bit you put in mouth.
Exercise every day or keep moving all through the day.
Stay hydrated.
Eat high protein diet.
Maintain a gratitude journal also.
Follow 80/20 rule.
There are many more other factors to be focused on.
Healthy weight loss
When people lose weight gradually and consistently with a good weight loss diet, then it’s a healthy way to lose weight.
Is it only diet?
Is it only gym?
Is it only walking or exercise?