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When we talk of weight loss or weight gain then the most common term used is calorie and energy
What is calorie?
It`s an unit of energy or heat that comes out of any source .
Here we get our calories from food .
Now if we are maintaining our present body weight then it`s said that we are balancing our calories
If you are losing weight or gaining weight then you will have to manage your calories accordingly to reach the desired goal you had set .
Never estimate yourself to be always right.
The last 4 kilos are the toughest to remove and takes time .
These last few kilos of fat is a cellulite fat. , the toughest and the hardest to get rid off.
Be more cautious on your intake calories

In this fast world of today every thing is changing so fast that hardly one gets accustomed to one change the other is in front of them .
The changes taking are so fast ===you can say in the wink of an eye .
Pic up any topic and you can see a drastic change .
Food and diet can`t be exempted from this change
Today`s diet if == you pay close attention then you will observe that it is low in fibre , fruits , vegetables , nuts and seeds .
Today`s food is found to be high in sodium , added sugars and processed foods .
People have become aware of the consequences of their food they consume .
The plant based diets are steadily on the rise .
This complete vegetarian food has helped in lowering === over all mortality rate , and reduced the medicinal needs .

I am Sunitaa paul a Wellness Coach – 50+.

Who is a Health Coach According to you?

A Health Coach is Your Personal  Guide, Partner and Helps You to Implement lifestyle Changes as well as to improve the Physical health

Health Coach helps You in the Areas That Effect Wellness

I am retired teacher from Kendriya Vidylaya . I am running a Health centre- by Name WELLNESS NUTRITION HUB. Now I am on a mission of changing peoples life by making them Healthy , happy and leading a medicine free life, helping them in losing weight, gain weight and maintain weight .

One day as there was no helping hand I had to pick up a spoon that had fallen down,to my great surprise I could not .WHY I could not …….because the bulging stomach didn’t allow me to bend down. IT’s high time that I do something ? THAT , YES THAT was the point when I made a Decision ….that I can’t carry on like this any more . Tried every thing who so ever suggested what .BUT no results .

As it’s said “ Where there’s a will there’s a way.” I met an old friend of mine

My Coach, who is an independent distributer  was shocked to see my poor health. On hearing my pains and grievances, requested me to follow his instruction for one month .After all the sufferings I underwent I thought to give him a chance .He gave me some products with instructions to follow. I religiously followed the instructions .The results were shocking .IN three and a half months I was transformed. MY result……..

1…From 68 kgs to ———53 kgs. [lost 15 kgs ]

2….From 42 inches———-to 33 inches waist [ lost 9 inches ]

3…..From fat to fit—From ……. dull to bright ……From….lethargic …….to active.

Would like to share that I am maintaining at that level…..53 kgs and 33 to 34 inches from last 7 years .

Disclaimer:- This Result is Individual result. The results vary from person to person .

Now I am leading a Healthy and Fit Life .I too am an independent  distributer and take care of People, those who are interested in their health . I guide them in a simple and easy way . I make them aware of different nutrients and their functions .This in turn helps them when they have to maintain weight.

We Don’t Judge You By your Actions. We Help You to Explore Your Self and Your Body. We help You to  find What Works For You and What Doesn’t Work For You in reaching your Goals.

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